Girls Volleyball Open Gym

Free Girls Volleyball Open Gym Workouts. Work on basic skills & drills. Open to 5th-8th graders. January 4h, 11th, and 25th, 3-5pm at Farmville Central High School. Preregistration is required!


Program offered by Coach Pitt and I Believe Sports. For additional information contact Coach Pitt at

Program Type Athletic Sports Clinic
Program Subcategory -
Program Code -
Online Registration Yes
Enrollment Begin Date 10/10/2024
Enrollment End Date 1/24/2025
Rumond Pitt
Gender Female
Enrollment Minimum -
Maximum -
Grade Minimum 5th
Maximum 8th
Age Minimum -
Maximum -
No Fee
Residency Restriction -None-
Membership Restrictions -
Amount $0.00
Saturday - 01/04/2025
Start Time 3:00 PM
End Time 5:00 PM
Location Farmville Central Gym
Saturday - 01/11/2025
Start Time 3:00 PM
End Time 5:00 PM
Location Farmville Central Gym
Saturday - 01/25/2025
Start Time 3:00 PM
End Time 5:00 PM
Location Farmville Central Gym